Protection of the company from external and internal threats
The conditions of market competition, crisis phenomena in the economy and related processes, as well as the redistribution of markets have led to the emergence and development of aggressive business practices, namely fraud, bribery, corporate raiding, and the like. Under the prevailing circumstances, directors of companies need to monitor negative market trends, control the processes carried out in the external and internal environment, and more closely follow the performance of their own company, competitors’ initiatives, selection of business partners, and many other factors that ensure business security.
Company’s safety from external and internal threats, as well as destabilization factors, allows to realize the main commercial interests of the organization and achieve business goals.
Identification of risk sources and adjustments of known factors—conditions that can cause and entail uncertainty in the results of economic activities;
Development and provision of reasoned decisions to ensure the safety of manufacture, products, and protection of commercial, industrial, financial, business, and other information, regardless of its purpose and form, with all the variety of possible channels of its distribution and various actions of competitors;
This aspect includes the whole range of works, starting with specification compilation, the inspection of the facility, and the provision of cost estimates, and ending with installation, pre-commissioning, and start-up service;
Full or partial transfer of maintenance and management of the system of economic, legal, technical, informational, and physical protection to the specialists of our Agency;
Determination of the company threats protection level and their possible negative impact on its operation and development;
Determination of destructive factors and circumstances, that can affect financial and economic activities.