Protection of rights on the result of intellectual activity in industrial, scientific, artistic, production, and other spheres.
We help our clients, who have a brand, in the implementation and protection of their property, which concerns intellectual rights, creation of literary and artistic works, as well as symbols, names, images, and design, used for trading purposes.
Our task is to identify the origin of counterfeit products, to work out ways of supply to distribution networks and their storage sites.
In order to protect intellectual property rights, the need for qualified collection and analysis of primary information on the objects of the online space used in violation of intellectual property rights (web pages, websites, etc.), the establishment of registrants, domain name registrars, hosting providers, network security providers, that is, entities ensuring the content and functioning of a web resource, come to the fore;
Confirmation of the objective side of the committing a crime in terms of the intellectual property use, the circle of persons who helped the violator to some extent and who can be witnesses in the case;
The key to success in the judicial inquiry on the violation of intellectual property rights is not only the ability to successfully quote the language of the law, but also the justification of own position by submitting appropriate and admissible evidences. Specialists of our Agency provide services on the evidentiary basis formation to confirm the fact of causing material damage to the owner of intellectual property rights;
Assistance in the protection of intellectual property rights during the movement of goods across the customs border of Ukraine.